Premium Reconciliation Program

About the Program

The mission of the Service Office is to promote a reputable and modern insurance marketplace. In keeping with our mission, the Premium Reconciliation program was created to help ensure that all taxes and revenues have been submitted in accordance with Florida Statute. The program compares data submitted by surplus lines agents and independently procured coverage (IPC) filers with the data being submitted by surplus lines insurers. Since 2000, the program has discovered more than a billion dollars in unreported premium resulting in millions of dollars in taxes, fees, assessments, and penalties.

Quarterly premium reconciliation activity is available below.

Premium Comparison Process

As Florida eligible surplus lines insurers submit policy information to FSLSO, the information is automatically matched through our database with its correlating policy information submitted by Florida surplus line agents or IPC filers regarding the same policy. Information is linked based on a number of factors including policy number, premium amount, insurer name and effective date. This reconciliation helps uncover variances in reported information and/or verify that all taxes, service fees and assessments have been paid correctly.
In 2023 FSLSO recovered $10,979,508 in revenue through the premium reconciliation program.