Batch Filing

About XML/CSV Batch Filing of Transaction Data

FSLSO offers batch filing of transaction data for surplus lines agents, insurers, and large volume independently procured coverage (IPC) filers using one of several eXtensible Markup Language (XML) or comma-separated value (CSV) formats. Documentation for the batch filing method is available in SLIP+.


Methods of Submission

Batch files may be submitted through a file upload in SLIP+ or an API (XML only) submission. The standard way to automate batch submissions is to configure your existing agency management system (AMS) to export the policy data as XML or CSV so it can be uploaded manually as a single file. You can take automation further by using API submission for complete integration of XML files.


Batch Filing Resources

Visit the following pages for more information about XML Batch filing.

Tech Support

For copies of the XML schema, sample files, and/or filing manual, please email, or call 800.562.4496, ext. 309.