
Internship Program


FSLSO offers several internship opportunities for Risk Management & Insurance majors. Each session is ten weeks in duration.

This paid internship is designed for college students who want to pursue a career in insurance or related businesses. You will learn about Florida's ever-growing surplus lines insurance market and how FSLSO services the industry by facilitating compliance.

FSLSO interns have the opportunity to complete:

  • The 2-20 Florida General License State Exam
  • The 60-Hour Surplus Lines Pre-Licensing Course
  • The 1-20 Florida Surplus Lines State Exam
How do I apply?
Fill out the following form. If you meet our qualifications, we will email you a link to the application within 48 hours.

Upload Resumé

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What is FSLSO?

The Florida Surplus Lines Service Office (FSLSO) is a not-for-profit entity created by statute and regulated by the Florida Department of Financial Services and the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. FSLSO exists to serve the surplus lines insurance community and facilitate compliance with Florida law.

Learn More

Experience surplus lines up close and personal through our higher education internship program.