SLAS: Surplus Lines Automation Suite
SLAS: Surplus Lines Automation Suite
The Surplus Lines Automation Suite (SLAS) was developed by the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office (FSLSO) for the reporting and taxation of surplus lines policies. SLAS is comprised of two main components:
- SLIP+, a web-based policy filing software for agents, and
- Regulatory Administration Platform for Insurance Data (RAPID), which is a web-based management system for FSLSO staff. SLIP+ and RAPID are technology solutions that provide user-friendly environments for policy submission, data management, tax calculation, and reporting.
Regulatory Administration Platform for Insurance Data (RAPID)
RAPID is the web portal used by state service offices or stamping offices and their staff to review, manage, and oversee policy data filed by agents, direct placement policyholders, and insurers. RAPID was developed to facilitate data management and reporting, streamline oversight, improve operational efficiency, and enhance compliance audit programs. RAPID features include:
- The ability to view all policy information submitted through SLIP+ by agents, direct placement policyholders, and insurers;
- Automatically identify transactions that do not meet a state specified business rule or requirement;
- Calculate taxes, fees, and additional types of assessments on all policies and endorsements;
- Modify the rates for taxes, fees, and other assessments;
- Apply specific taxation rules for each line of coverage reported;
- Perform analysis and comparison of policy data submitted by agents and insurers, creating a thorough auditing process and ensuring all policies are reported and appropriate fees and taxes are collected; and
- Generate multiple reports to assist in monitoring and reviewing submitted policies and assessing the general surplus lines market in the state.
SLIP+ allows surplus lines agents, direct placement policyholders and insurers to electronically submit surplus lines policy information through a web portal, thereby eliminating the need to download any software. Some of the unique features of SLIP+ include:
- Two ways to report policy data:
- A user-friendly web interface where agents can report, review and correct surplus lines transactions
- XML batch filing for high volume agents and insurers
- The ability to view and update all previously submitted (historical) policy data
- SLIP+ automatically calculates the tax liability for the agent based on the state’s laws and regulations for taxation of surplus lines premiums
- Access to detailed reports (including affidavits) for agents and insurers to review, analyze, verify, and correct their submitted data
- Security roles and user permissions that allow agents to manage user access
- Electronic invoicing and payment options
Advantages of Using SLAS
- Lower implementation cost
- Faster to market
- Proven success rate
- Customizable
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Additional Information
The Florida Surplus Lines Service Office staff is available to answer any questions regarding the Surplus Lines Automation Suite. Additionally, a comprehensive system demonstration can be provided in person or electronically at your convenience if desired. For more information, send us a message and one of our staff members will get in touch with you, or visit the SLAS website at

Contact Us Directly
Our dedicated staff are available to answer any of your questions.
Director of SLAS Client Services
Florida Surplus Lines Service Office
Phone (800) 562-4496 x113
Information Security Officer
Florida Surplus Lines Service Office
Phone: (800) 562-4496 x116